Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jeorge Story...

Well, here's another one that my private veiwers just recieved. It's step-by-step plans on how to perfectly rob a bank XD
Please note that this is just for fun, and I'm NOT actually going to rob a bank. Please don't take these plans and go rob the bank yourself...
~.:* JOSOA *:.~
Jeorge's Originality Seal of Approval (must give credit to THIS site if you want to copy and paste)
One more time before i start the Jeorge Stories...

Today, on the Jeorge Stories...
How to Create a Perfect Crime
Have you ever wanted to create the perfect crime, but didn't know where to start? Here's a step-by-step print off list of how to do it!

~Map of the place of the crime
~An accomplice
~someone else's shoes, preferably stolen
~someone else's clothes
~a wig
~New! Loreal body tone makeup
~an old lady
~a ski mask
~a sack
~squirt gun (filled)
~dart gun (loaded)
~smoke bomb (optional)
~spray paint
~a cat
~hand sanitizer
~rubber gloves (MUST BE DISPOSABLE)

1.Know what you're going to do - whether it's something as evil as mugging an old lady, or as classic as robbing a bank, you must know what you're going to rob (Note: this does not include the category of: doomsday devices, total domination, blowing up planets, or the extinction of saltine crackers).

2. GET A MAP - Look, if you don't know where you want to rob or what you want to rob, or if you just don't know how to get there, you gotta bring a map. You're not going to get very far.

3. Get an Accomplice - you need someone to help you. Someone who won't rat you out, even if you rat THEM out XD

4.Steal someone else's clothes and shoes - you don't want the po-pos (or as I like to call them, the "coppies") to track you by your DNA on your clothes or shoes, do you? I DIDN'T THINK SO! Maybe it should be the accomplice's clothes and shoes. I feel pretty bad for the accomplice, they're being put in a tight spot XD XD

5. Get a wig - so you aren't identifiable. Read this dialogue:
"Yes, ma'am, so what was the suspect wearing?"
"Well, some ratty old shoes, baggy clothes, oh! And their hair was pink."
Note: In my opinion, you should get a wig that's the same hair color of your accomplice XD XD XD XD

6. Get some makeup that is SO not your skin tone - cover up any parts of the body that is exposed, such as around the eyes. I would get a tone the same as your accomplice XD XD XD XD XD

Get an old lady - First, you must pretend to be her grandson Jerome. Talk her into coming to *insert location of robbery here* and tell her that you're playing a game. The game is that when you say "Gimme the money" she screams. This will cause a panic in the said location. Hey, do you want to make the front page or not?!

8. Get a ski mask and a sack - I personally would ask your accomplice if you could borrow theirs XD

9. Get a Squirt Gun and a Dart Gun - you must load them both. OR ELSE!

10. A Potato - you NEED this. As your mom always said: Criminals cant rob people on an empty stomach!!

11. Get a smoke bomb - preferably one that changes colors XD

12. Spray paint - Match the colors!

13. Hand sanitizer - to keep your hands nice and sanitized, right? hehehe...WRONG!

14. Rubber Gloves - rubbery. Has to be disposable. And...stuff.

Alright, let's put this plan into action!

First, you put on your necessary gear:
Your stolen clothes, then the wig, then the ski mask, then apply the skin tone-ifier, and lastly put the gloves on. Then, carefully remove some of the cats hair, and if you want, some of your accomplice's hair. This will lead the coppies to either your accomlice...or a cat. MAKE SURE THE CAT IS NOT YOURS!!! Then, put your guns (of the squirt and dart persuasion), your smoke bomb, and your potato into the sack. Also, you can put your old lady in the sack, too.
Head over to the place you are going rob in a van. Let out the old lady and tell her the game starts now. Calmly walk up to the desk, full of cat hair, and say "Gimme the money!!!"
At that moment, either your old lady what say "Whaaaat? Jerome, what was that? Do you want to bake muffins?" or she'll start screaming as planned. Shoot the cameras with the dark gun, then squirt at it so that the camera breaks and can show no footage. Get the money, put it in the sack, (this is also where you can put on the smoke bomb) and get back in the car. Then, after you hitch a ride home, tear out the seat you sat in, sanitize it and destroy it. Then spray paint the van another color. That way your getaway van looks different, therefore no one will think that's the van. And you can kill the person who gave you a ride. THE RUBBER GLOVES MUST STILL BE ON YOUR HANDS! Oh, and also, eat the potato.
Once you are home, sanitize and destroy the map you used, burn the clothes, shoes, squirt gun, dart gun, hand sanitizer, the ski mask, and the sack. Take off all the makeup and burn everything else. BURN IT I SAY! Then, i guess that's it. The police should arrive soon after you left, and all the signs will lead to your accomplice (who didn't even have a part whatsoever in this little pow-wow) and their cat, you'll end up on the front page, and everything will turn Kayotic in the City of Townsville, thanks to Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup-----uh, i mean, YOU! Congratulations, you'll leave the police baffled!

Helpful hints:
Don't touch your face with your gloves. Ever. Why? There's oils on your face. SHAME ON YOU!
Leave before the police arrive. Very helpful.
Be vague when giving the old lady directions.
Don't leave the money at the scene of the crime, you dope!
In fact, don't leave anything at the scene of the crime.
You shouldn't have your best friend as the accomplice (unless it's the one you hate XD )
Don't do the crime if you can feel guilt
Don't tack the front page of the news on your wall. That tells us something.
And most importantly...
Have fun!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Need Your Imput!

Hey, so this is pretty random but have you ever found an ad on the internet where there's a little game and if you win, you get a FREE Iphone or maybe a FREE Xbox360? Those game where you try to like shoot the ducks or where you have to slap the sumo wrestler or dodge the angry bull? Those are the ads i like, even if i get sent to the website. So I wonder: What do you think is the best ad-game ever? Post your comments here! Also, if there's any TV ads you think are funny you can post them here also. I can't wait to see if there's gonna be any new posts!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Well, i did it. I got through out of technicallity, and i got more Jeorge Stories. This is from 2006. My friend was sleeping over and we were bored and checking out the prices of Runescape Gold Sites. That's when we found the 24/7 Live Online Chat Support XD. My friend mainly did the typing. This whole conversation is REAL:
~.:* JOSOA *:.~ (Jeorge's Originality Seal of Approval---Meaning you must give credit to this site, to me, if you want to post this somewhere else)

Please wait for a site operator to respond. Please don't forget leave your feeback when this chat end.
You are now chatting with 'michelle'
michelle: Hello, how may I help you?
tidbit: hello michelle
tidbit: i was wondering...
tidbit: can you sell accounts on gold4rs
tidbit: .com
michelle: Want to sell your gold or account to us? We will receive account you sell to us at a later date,right now only gold is accepted, please contact our buying agent via our MSN Messenger at vendors@gold4rs.com for more details
tidbit: ok thanks
tidbit: do you know when you will be accepting accounts?
tidbit: michelle are you still with me?
tidbit: uhm..
michelle: yes ]
tidbit: ok
michelle: you can add his msn
tidbit: and then...
tidbit: ?
tidbit: what if i dont have msn
michelle: talking with him
michelle: he know everything
tidbit: well then
tidbit: um
tidbit: i dont have msn
tidbit: and i rather not download
michelle: can you apply one
michelle: it is frew
michelle: free
tidbit: well
tidbit: mabey i dont want to
tidbit: does he have AIM
tidbit: because thats what i have
tidbit: (aol)
tidbit: please..
tidbit: tidbit need help
michelle: but
michelle: i don't know how to selling account
michelle: he is only person knows this
tidbit: michelle im afraid this is where the road ends. I will be giving you a VERY poor rating, and mabey next time youll think about giving me some usefull advice, and my advice to you is to figure out your workplace so you can answer peoples questions. isnt that your JOB? because thats what it says on your homepage. Im afraid mabey you need to find a new job..say mcdonalds it would fit you well. There arnt to many questions to answer.
tidbit: goodday
tidbit: ...
tidbit: "do you want fries with that"?
tidbit: have fun with the frying vat, hopefully it wont ask you computer questions.
michelle: :)
tidbit: wow...
tidbit: um did you think that was funny because im dead serious
tidbit: jk
tidbit: not really
tidbit: c
tidbit: sry bout that that was my friend
tidbit: well andrea, i happen to know the manager at mcdonalds
michelle: please contact our buying agent via our MSN Messenger at vendors@gold4rs.com for more details
tidbit: so mabey i could find you a job or something, a little dear that could help you pay the rent. because i guarentee the after this you wont be here
michelle: ok ?
tidbit: good bye