Sunday, September 14, 2008

Urbis and Waterballoons!

What does that sound like to you? Uribs? To me, that sounds like some kind of big city in a weird country no one's heard Zimbabwe.
Hehe. But no, I'm not here to insult Urbis.
I'm here to talk about it.
They arent paying me to do this or anything. It's a site I found on Myspace where you can post your stories.
Only if you're a serious writer, though.
I mean, you don't ACTUALLY have to be a published author or anyhting, i mean...
Ugh >.< *sigh*
So anyway, if you're ever wanting to post your work, please do so. Oh, by the way, my name on Urbis is Kaabii203. If you want, i could reveiw your work for you ^_^ does Urbis and waterballoons have to do with each other?
Hehe, nothing.

But see, on Saturday, me and Jerry were at the mall, and we decided to buy some balloons.
Well, as we all know, regular balloons with air in them are SOOO boring.
So, we decided to put water in them.
And Oh my Gawd, they get so big.
I have a tranpoline, so we thought it would be funny if we made a bunch of them and tried to pop them. Hehe. But Jerry kept treating them as though they were babies...-_-. It kinda creeped me out. But it was funny. Take a look at the names we gave them:
Bob (Green)
Patricia (Pink)
Sulio (Yellow; Combination of Suzy and Huilo (Hulio was a balloon that popped in the making ='( so yeah))]
Edward (yellow; Ed...also referred to as Edd, Eddy, Double Dee, and Edwardo)
Charles (purple; Second biggest balloon we ever made)
Charlie (purple; tribute to Charles)
Bon Jovi (pink =D; the last balloon we ever popped!)
Blappa (blue...don't ask about the name)
Meg (also Meg 2, 3, and 4...Meg was the 3rd biggest ((she's a tribute to Meg Griffen from Family Guy...was red, which symbolized Meg's hat)))
Elmer (and Elmer 2, 3, 4, and 5; black ((A tribute to my favorite animal on Animal Crossing)
Frye (yellow; Biggest balloon ever made!)
Tuffy (light blue; Very hard to pop >.<)
Eighthy (red; Originally supposed to be number 8. But then one popped >.<)
♪FreDAAAY♪! (light blue)

Okay, so just so you know, when you're doing a CRAZY (lol) stunt like this, flopping on your back and cannonballing is the best way to go. Belly flops and just landing on them hurts like hell. Popping them while standing is boring. And if you get them all by you and you jump lightly, it feels really cool!
*if you have a playful dog, make sure he/she doesnt try to eat the balloons. -_-

That's all for now!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bill Cosby Pokemon Rap!!!

Bill Cosby Pokemon Rap. SOOOO Hilarious. You GOTTA hear it for yourself.
Here's a link that goes to one of my playlists. My pokemon playlist. There, you scroll down and find the Bill Cosby Pokemon Rap.
I couldn't find lyrics, so I wrote them myself!!!!!
Cuz copy and pasting is for losers, right?
Yeah ^_^

Listen to the rap music
Listen to the rap music

What do you like to play?
Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon ...
What do you like to play?
Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon...

You see, the kids, they listen to the rap music which gives them
the brain damage
you see
with there
hippin and a hoppin and the bippin and the bobbin
so they don't know what the jazz is all about!

You see, jaz is like Jell-O pudding
it's more like Kodak film
jazz is more like
the new Coke
It'll be around forever,

Whats the difference between me and you
pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon...
Whats the difference between me and you
Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon...

C'mon litte fella
you like a jumprope
what do you think candy is made out of?
candy is more like Kodak film

Here i go, down the slope
Doh, im goin zip zop zoobity bop
Its okay, take your time
do you
remember what he looked like?

I had an uncle named stewie, and he used to sell bicycles
coo coo kachew!
What you got there?
A big stupid doo doo head!

what do you like to play?
pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon, pokemon...

Lol. Random lyrics, i know.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Weird Freaking Experience

Okay, well today (today being 5/8/08) I was home sick because of this stupid horrible stomach ache that's been going on for two days. Well, just to let you guys in, i got a new dog on Thursday, named Tyson. He's a Labradoodle. Anyway, this JUST happened to me like 5 minutes ago and I'm blogging about it now. So it's fresh in my mind.

So a car door had slammed outside, and Tyson started barking. He never really barks, just when someone was at the door or, of course, when a car door slams. He kept barking and barking, so I called him over by my side, and he stopped. Mostly. He would do like 1 bark every 2 minutes and stuff, until 10 minutes later he completely stopped. So we were both practically asleep.
10 minutes later, he started barking again.

Why? I talked to Tyson, told him I didn't hear any car doors, or any door bell ringing, i even looked outside. Nothing. No cars going by, no car doors slamming, nobody on my street.
Then I remembered a show called A Haunting (National Geographic channel, at 11/12c and 12/1c) where people talk about their haunted houses, and the experiences they had with ghosts and demons. 99% of the time dogs would bark when they feel there's another prescience in the house. One that's eerie.
Like a ghost.

I wasn't a bit worried.
"Tyson?" I asked, half asleep. "Bark once if there's any ghosts around."

Now I was alert and focused. The car incident happened 20 minutes ago, he couldn't possibly be still worked up about it. Plus, the car had left...
"Tyson?" i asked again, now more alert. "Is it true?"
"Tyson, you there?" (Tyson tends to dose off)
"Tyson, bark once if there's any ghosts here."
1 1/2 minutes later...

It's eerie, I know. I got up to type this blog post, and I feel a sharp pain in my knee. It hurt.
Even sitting here, typing, I ask Tyson once again and he barks.

This is kinda creepy.
I think it's all in my head.
But that's what they all say. It's just in my head.
Aaak, this is too creepy to continue. I think I'll go make some Spaghettio's to calm my nerves.
Plus, I'm hungry.
There's no possible way.
No possible way.