Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus's Personal Hygene

Call it a religious debate, if you will. But not about what happens when we die. Not if God exists. Not if the Bible is a hoax.
Does Jesus smell good?
I'm sure many people oversee this VERY important question, but lucky for you guys, Jerry and i did not. And so we have discussed it. And we want to share with you what we've come up with! (Sorry, we kind of stay a bit from the subject)
By the way, this is a CONVO.

Of course by now you know that i like to add my comments. And i will. It's in orange.
And with that, i present to you:

Does Jesus Smell Good?

TinkTink203 (9:12:17 PM): i wonder what holy water tastes like. do you think it tastes like tap water or well water? or tastes like Jesus?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:12:26 PM): O_O
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:12:30 PM): new jesus water!

TinkTink203 (9:12:35 PM): mmm *drools*
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:12:44 PM): a bit of the Bible in every sip!
TinkTink203 (9:12:46 PM): as soon as i meet Jesus, im gonig to smell his hair
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:12:51 PM): haha
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:13:02 PM): i bet it's like Jeff's hair.. all long and knotted and unwashed
-- Jeff is a guy at our school. His hair is long. People call him Jeefus.
TinkTink203 (9:13:16 PM): what do you think Jesus's hair smells like?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:13:25 PM): like moses..
TinkTink203 (9:13:26 PM): he's gotta smell holy, right?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:13:26 PM): O_O
TinkTink203 (9:13:38 PM): i mean, at least put some cologne on
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:13:49 PM): did they have cologne back then?
TinkTink203 (9:13:50 PM): im sure im not the only one that wants to sniff him, right?!
TinkTink203 (9:13:53 PM): right?!! ;_;

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:13:57 PM): well i dont think girls even shaved.. -- why the random comment? I have nooo idea.
TinkTink203 (9:14:03 PM): holy crapolie
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:08 PM): that would get annoying
TinkTink203 (9:14:14 PM): oh, very
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:19 PM): hmm
TinkTink203 (9:14:24 PM): but seriously. do you think he smells good?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:27 PM): no
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:36 PM): he probably smells like camel poop and dirt.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:42 PM): and a barn.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:14:46 PM): he smells of barn animals.

TinkTink203 (9:15:23 PM): i think he either smells like cupcake perfume (because of all the girls that want to smell him and stroke his god-like hair) or he has a neutral/heaven smell
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:15:36 PM): hmm
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:15:43 PM): he probably smells like BO

TinkTink203 (9:15:49 PM): waaaht? Jesus smell BO-y
TinkTink203 (9:15:50 PM): his god-like non BO smelling abilities eliminates that i think
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:15:52 PM): he's not god though! he's jesus!
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:15:53 PM): and all that walking around though
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:16:06 PM): it was always hot back then
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:16:11 PM): i don't think winter existed

TinkTink203 (9:16:28 PM): are you kidding? you dont think water existed in Jesus's time?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:16:36 PM): no, winter
TinkTink203 (9:16:39 PM): oh
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:16:42 PM): lol yeah
TinkTink203 (9:16:54 PM): but God can bathe Jesus in his holiness?
TinkTink203 (9:17:02 PM): i mean, baby Jesus had to have baths, right?

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:17:17 PM): well yes, but he had actual parents you know. God can't do EVERYTHING for them.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:17:40 PM): plus if he bathes Jesus in holy water everyone's going to want him to bathe them in holy water.. and i don't think he has that much holy water.

TinkTink203 (9:17:41 PM): shit, if his parents were able to make a god, dont you think theyd at LEAST get some damn water?!
TinkTink203 (9:18:05 PM): i mean, it doesnt HAVE to be holy
TinkTink203 (9:18:10 PM): but come on

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:18:17 PM): just fruitful smelling?
TinkTink203 (9:18:32 PM): just water-smelling
TinkTink203 (9:18:39 PM): but water doesnt smell

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:18:41 PM): well then they'd still smell bad.
TinkTink203 (9:19:13 PM): Im sure Jesus took some sort of apple and rubbed it on him so he smelled fruitiful and delciious
TinkTink203 (9:19:15 PM): at LEAST
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:19:26 PM): um, apples don't smell..
TinkTink203 (9:19:30 PM): the juice does
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:19:34 PM): ew.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:19:37 PM): he'd be all sticky!

TinkTink203 (9:19:43 PM): well then he can take a bath!
TinkTink203 (9:19:45 PM): oh WAIT
TinkTink203 (9:19:50 PM): theres no freaking water apparently!

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:19:55 PM): i said WINTER
TinkTink203 (9:20:03 PM): winter practically IS water
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:20:12 PM): no, winter is cold water that falls from the sky!
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:20:15 PM): wait, that's snow..

TinkTink203 (9:20:20 PM): oh
TinkTink203 (9:20:21 PM): yeah

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:20:23 PM): i never said water didn't exist!!
TinkTink203 (9:20:30 PM): *snaps fingers* lemon!
TinkTink203 (9:20:35 PM): the outside smells
TinkTink203 (9:20:42 PM): he'll be all lemony scented
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:20:43 PM): that doesn't work. it just.. covers up the BO
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:20:56 PM): and he'd still be sticky.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:21:03 PM): and plus, what if he cut himself??

TinkTink203 (9:21:07 PM): nooo the skin of the lemon, not the juice
TinkTink203 (9:21:16 PM): emo Jesus?
-- The nicknames we came up with for Jesus for the name "emo Jesus" after were: E-Jay, Jeemo, and Emosus. Lol.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:21:17 PM): it would burn still
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:21:26 PM): lol no accidentally

TinkTink203 (9:21:28 PM): oh
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:21:32 PM): hahahah
TinkTink203 (9:21:35 PM): well just leave it alone
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:21:41 PM): we're talking about jesus!!
TinkTink203 (9:22:38 PM): well Jesus only needs to be lemon smelling in certain areas. not like on his knees, just in his armpits. maybe his cheeks, to add lemony smellingness and a rosy glow
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:22:59 PM): well people like to smell good all over
TinkTink203 (9:23:22 PM): yeah, but you dont go and spray perfume on an open wound. you avoid it! and im sure thats what Jesus does
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:23:36 PM): well of COURSE!
TinkTink203 (9:23:41 PM): yes, you see?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:23:56 PM): maybe he used his special jesus powers to mix a bunch of herbs together to make a sort of pine scent?
TinkTink203 (9:24:04 PM): ooh
TinkTink203 (9:24:43 PM): but that gets sickening after awhile. i mean when you get into a car that has air fresheners and stuff,you go, "mm, that smells nice" but after awhile you breathe in that pine scent and go "okay, thats just gross".
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:24:54 PM): yeah true..
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:24:57 PM): like air freshener

TinkTink203 (9:25:01 PM): yuck
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:05 PM): yeah
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:16 PM): so maybe he used flower pedals instead? so it smells like a meadow

TinkTink203 (9:25:16 PM): so its gotta be something sweet and something non-sticky
TinkTink203 (9:25:19 PM): ooh
TinkTink203 (9:25:21 PM): thats good

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:23 PM): hah
TinkTink203 (9:25:25 PM): i bet he did
TinkTink203 (9:25:28 PM): roses?

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:29 PM): probably
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:34 PM): lilies
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:36 PM): etc

TinkTink203 (9:25:37 PM): well thats settles it!
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:42 PM): yep!
TinkTink203 (9:25:42 PM): Jesus smells of flowers!
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:25:49 PM): yes!
TinkTink203 (9:25:55 PM): it TOTALLY makes sense
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:26:06 PM): yes it does!
TinkTink203 (9:26:16 PM): and when i die, im going to sniff him and say "Oh Jesus, that flowery scent is intoxicating!" Jesus: "Why thank you. I ujse crysanthemums". Me: "Shit, i was wrong!"
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:26:22 PM): ahhaha
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:26:40 PM): what if he won't let you smell him? i mean, i'm sure EVERYONE'S after him.

TinkTink203 (9:26:51 PM): aw man
TinkTink203 (9:26:57 PM): well i have to tell him about this conversation

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:27:04 PM): plus maybe he got cologne.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:27:12 PM): the times have changed since back in his time

TinkTink203 (9:27:42 PM): well i dont think he realyl keeps up on the times. i dont think he has a pimp hat and stuff; he still has that [sexy] white robe.
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:27:52 PM): hah
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:28:01 PM): maybe he's wearing khakis or something. -- Jesus in khakis? Uh, no thanks. Hah.
TinkTink203 (9:28:02 PM): gosh, dont you think that would be really dirty after wearing it for thousands of years?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:28:07 PM): or like a nice white shirt with a tie?
TinkTink203 (9:28:32 PM): no, i think Jesus seems natural and wild. i mean if he has the clothes, hes gonna have to have a different hairstyle
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:28:50 PM): hm
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:28:53 PM): true
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:28:58 PM): maybe he has jeans and a leather jacket?
TinkTink203 (9:29:26 PM): mmm, yeah, but then he'd have to go with a bad-boy style, and not many good guys like Jesus can pull that off
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:29:37 PM): ah yes, you have a point..
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:29:47 PM): okay so maybe he still has his robe.
TinkTink203 (9:29:48 PM): i mean, he IS Jesus, but really
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:29:54 PM): but it's like a chariot robe
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:30:01 PM): like glowing, and clean, and long and flowing

TinkTink203 (9:30:02 PM): oh definately
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:30:05 PM): not short and dirty
TinkTink203 (9:30:08 PM): yeah
TinkTink203 (9:30:22 PM): i think he uses Cheer to keep his clothes from going dingey

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:30:27 PM): hahah
TinkTink203 (9:30:49 PM): i mean, Tide doesnt really do that stain removal stuff, you know?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:30:54 PM): true
TinkTink203 (9:31:11 PM): its good smelling, which is good on Jesus even though he smells of flowers
TinkTink203 (9:31:19 PM): so i guess he wouldnt need Tide

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:31:38 PM): that's true, but what good is good smelling clothes if your BO overpowers it anyway?
TinkTink203 (9:31:56 PM): i guess
TinkTink203 (9:32:06 PM): he must use a lot of petals :\

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:32:15 PM): yeah
TinkTink203 (9:32:26 PM): and you would think he'd have to shave once in a while,too
TinkTink203 (9:32:37 PM): i mean, no guy can be clean-cut all the time

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:32:48 PM): what would he use to shave?
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:32:50 PM): a knife?

TinkTink203 (9:33:01 PM): maybe he gets his Jesus-powers to do it
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:33:05 PM): hah
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:33:14 PM): or maybe like a fish or something? like the bones?

TinkTink203 (9:33:26 PM): hed have to sharpen the bone
TinkTink203 (9:33:29 PM): but yeah

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:33:32 PM): hmm
TinkTink203 (9:33:47 PM): and you would htink hed have to clip his toenails, too
TinkTink203 (9:33:55 PM): unless they just natually get a pedicure
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:33:57 PM): he could just pick at them
TinkTink203 (9:34:06 PM): but thats a bad habit
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:34:07 PM): with his badly trimmed fingernails
"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:34:12 PM): lol

TinkTink203 (9:34:19 PM): maybe they have nail files in heaven
TinkTink203 (9:34:27 PM): god-like nail files

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:34:38 PM): maybe he uses pinecones
TinkTink203 (9:34:43 PM): or maybe Jesus just doesnt worry because nails cant grow in heaven
TinkTink203 (9:34:58 PM): ooh, pinecones
TinkTink203 (9:35:06 PM): are those sharp enough?

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:35:07 PM): they're sharp
TinkTink203 (9:35:11 PM): ah
TinkTink203 (9:35:24 PM): well haleigh ate one, so they cant be TOO sharp
TinkTink203 (9:35:34 PM): but i guess theyre sharp enough to cut nails

"Janelle (AKA Jerry)" (9:35:42): O_o well, thats settled then!


TinkTink203 (9:48:33 PM): and all because i asked what holy water tastes like
TinkTink203 (9:48:37 PM): which we never figured out -_-

"Janelle (AnimeFan)" (9:48:41 PM): lol true
"Janelle (AnimeFan)" (9:48:46 PM): and you wanted to smell jesus

TinkTink203 (9:49:04 PM): ahhhhhh *breathes in intoxicating flower/BO/Cheer scent*

:D Thanks for reading!