Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An Original Jeorge Story!!!

Okay, so you're probably all sick and tired of Jeorge Story CONVOS, so here I have an original Jeorge Story in which I have invented myself.
See, i was making my "blog" journal on playlist the other day, and I asked them what a blog was.
Because, I said, if it was about my life, then i wouldnt want to make a blog. My life is terribly boring, especially now in summer time. I mean sure, we're going on three trips, and soccer season still isn't over yet (yes, i play soccer...7th year. I know.), and I have at least 1 sleepover ever week, but still, BORING. Lol. I'm sometimes hard to please.
But anyway, back on the subject, i told them what a regular day was like in the Jeorge residence. Then I said my life was boring again.
Then, i twisted it...

I wake up in a cold, icy cave halfway up Mt. Everest. I'm freezing half to death, and I'm running out of food and water supplies, but yet i still eat a hearty bowl of Choclate Marshmallow Mateys. My lips are blue, and my hair is frozen down to the roots, but I think to myself, I must keep going. This is for my one-legged grandma who died from getting run over by a monster truck.

My mother is back home, doing laundry, worried sick. Her daughter is somewhere on a huge mountain, and she probably froze to death.

Suddenly, I get a call on my cell phone.
"mmm" I said. My lips are frozen shut. So i rip them apart. It's painful, but I had already experianced a lot of pain.
"Yes. It is I." she said. "Are you dead yet?"
I stare into the phone, wondering if my mom is joking
."What do you think? I'm talking to you, aren't I?" I hear sniffles.
"I hope you're okay. Oh, and I heard on the news. Your crew died. That's sad. How are you getting along?"
"I know. I'm struggling, because they died in my arms. The cold was just too hard for them, and their systems froze."
"And how are you?" my mother asks nervously.
"Well, I'm freezing half to death on a mountain, I'm running out of supplies, and I dropped my navigation system yesterday, so now I have no idea where I am. But other than that I'm peachy-keen."
"Hang in there, little one. Your journey must almost be over."
"I don't know. I wish I knew, but," I blink back tears. "I just don't know."
"Well, I know your journey's almost over. I sent a rescue team to come get you, so you won't die. Just as long as you don't--"
I hear my phone go dead.

Good thing I had that hearty bowl of Chocolate Marshmallow Mateys, or i dont think i wouldve gone on!!!
Yummy, yummy...I wish I had CMM. All I have is REAGULAR Marshmallow Mateys. Icky. RMM.
so there you have it. Will i ever be found by the rescue team? Or will I freeze to death on the cold mountain of Mt Everest?
You can get all these answers and more by sending in 6 box tops of Betty Crocker Marble Cake with the little sprinkles inside of them, and two small payments of $49.95 to "The Jeorge Residence" of ForkNSpoon Vill, Oregon, 43183, United States, North America, The North-Western Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Planet Earth, The Galaxy We Live In.

Bye, I have to go eat some RMM!

Monday, July 28, 2008

O_o Holy Cow!!

If you haven't been here lately, I'd like to show you a couple of updates I've made:
ShoutBox - Where you can put little shout outs for everyone to see!
Playlist - Listen to music I like when your on my page ^_^
Backround Change! - From Tree-hugging green to We-all-wish-the-water-was-this-blue blue
Return of Poll - Tell me, what would YOU like me to post next? (erm, besides this)
A New type of Post! - Yes, the creation of \.:@C.O.N.V.O.@:./!! (Crazy Oas and Not Very Orderly)
Switched Around stuff - Yeah, Playlist and the Video Bar are now on the bottom.
New Vids! - Yup, new videos on my Vid Bar!
Added a Picture! - I added a pic a took of a bridge at night! =D

so i hope you like the new changes to my website!!!!!
I'll post sumthin funner later

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another New Update!!!!

Yes!!! Now we have ShoutBox AND a playlist! Compliments from Playlist.com. This is my playlist. Check out the songs. They're delicious!
Yummy yummy!

Theyre Grrrrrrrreat!


This has not been a ~.:*JOSOA*:.~


You may know that i hate Mrs. Shoberg. She is evil. If you don't I'll give you the 411.
Mrs. Shoberg is the most evil teacher on the planet. She was my 7th grade writing, study hall, AND reading. I know. Gross. And you may be thinking "*gasp* Jeorge!! That is not nice! Mrs. Shoberg has feelings!!!!!"
No. She doesn't.
See, Hannah is one of my friends. And she...backsasses her. You know how that goes, right? Yes. Friends with the troublemaker. Never good.
Never good.
So anyway, me, Hannah, and Chelsey (i hung out with her, too) always got in trouble. Do you know how many times Mrs. Shoberg has used the threat "Do you want me to send you to Mr. Soki?"
And do you know how many times Hannah went?
She's not bad, she just doesnt take crap from anybody.
So anyway, since me and Chelsey ( i know. Chelsey and I.) were frends with Hannah, we got introuble too. Not to the point where we were sent to the Vice Principal, but....
Anyway, we pretended to be Mrs. Shoberg in a conversation with a gold farmer named Messi. Not even a name. I know.
So, here it is!!!!!
P.S. i corrected her grammar a lot lol. She's just...ugh...

Messi and Her Stupidity:

Please wait for a site operator to respond. Please don't forget to leave your feedback when this chat end.
You are now chatting with 'messi'
messi: Hello, how may I help you?
SprinklesOfDoom: whatever happened to the mittability, the milman, the paperboy, evenin TV?
SprinklesOfDoom: you missed ur old familiar frends, waiting just around the bend
SprinklesOfDoom: Hello, yes, i have a question
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: ...J'mapple Sprinkles of Doom. J'habit une pancakes. Como esta?
SprinklesOfDoom: And I have a qwesjun
messi: hello?
SprinklesOfDoom: hi
messi: hi
SprinklesOfDoom: how are you on this fine evening
messi: its morning here :)
SprinklesOfDoom: That is very intriguing. I would like to inquire if you know how to get to highway 2578
messi: what do u mean
SprinklesOfDoom: sorry to interupt your thought process, but i think you need a breathmint
SprinklesOfDoom: i am 987. i celebrate day of birth on Auvember 32nd
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: do you know where one-legged waitresses work?
messi: no,sorry
SprinklesOfDoom: I am doing what you young people call "breaking the ice". but the ice is so goddamn thick i keep sliding, like a wet slip n' slide on a hot summer. Made of rabbits
SprinklesOfDoom: Ihop! BA DUM, CHING!
messi: oh
messi: oh
SprinklesOfDoom: messi, i do not enjoy talking to you. please give a 2+ word response, or else this relationship is OVER! and i MEAN IT! I will pack my things and go right out that door! You dont listen to my needs! And why isnt there a decrative fruit here?!!? Pl0x pl0x pl0x pl0x pl0x!
There may be a problem communicating with messi. Please wait while your chat is transferred to another operator.
You are now chatting with 'messi'

SprinklesOfDoom: hey! they said i'd get a NEW operator on a stick!
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: and is this chatroom really hacker safe? I dont feel safe!!!!
messi: its safe
SprinklesOfDoom: we're talking to you
messi: ya
SprinklesOfDoom: "ya" is not a complete answer. Do you know how to spell? and it's not "ok" either. the correct thing would be "OK", because it is abreviated. I dropped out of school in 7th grade, and i know more Anglais then you
messi: sorry
messi: okay
SprinklesOfDoom: Thank you. That is much better. My name is Mrs. Shoberg. I am friends with the crossing lady. Gobble Gobble.
messi: np. what can i help u
SprinklesOfDoom: NP?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!????!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!????!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??????!?!?!??!????!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Mrs. Shoberg dont roll like that, honey (bunches of oats)
SprinklesOfDoom: what is this term "np" you are discussing with me?
messi: whats wrong
SprinklesOfDoom: What does "np" mean? I am Mrs. Shoberg. Mrs. Sober(g) (im not sober) dont know what that means. Ollie? Ollie: IT'S RAININ!!!!
messi: np=no problem
SprinklesOfDoom: I see. Mrs. Shoberg now roll leik that FTW Pl0x. My name is Dani, and I'm a foxi grandma ona stick!!!! I <3 Hanks Pancakes FTW!!!
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: What did we just talk about?!?!? Since you wont understand, please turn to page 475 in your textbook. Now, please read paragraph two, section one. Then, do pages 476 and 477. Any questions skeeter?
messi: you are teaching?
SprinklesOfDoom: yes, I am Mrs. Shoberg. You can ask those children in that cage over there. *Demon laughs*
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: WHAT DID WE JUST TALK ABOUT MESSI ON A STICK?!?!? For a punishment, i am going to take the whooping stick to your skull. and also, please write on the board "I really know how to say okay." 3,872 times. CLASS DISMISSED!!!! Oh, but Hannah, you must stay *demon laughs* *hannah screams piercingly and perferates my eardrums*
messi: oh
SprinklesOfDoom: Please cappitalize and use correct punctuation. Read the poster at the front of the board. It wil...educate you. *demon laughs*(
messi: kk
SprinklesOfDoom: KK?!?!! Must you be a little schoolgirl *demon laughs* DEMON!!! NOT NOW!!!! Anyway, you mean to say, okayokay. KK is an expression that Eskimos use.
SprinklesOfDoom: For example: "Bowla! there are a lot of Fish in this KK River, eh mate?
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: No, you need to cappitalize your words at the beginning of a sentance *demon laughs* DEMON!!!! NOT NOW FTW!!! And make sure there's a period. And WHAT did i tell you about using the word "ok"? It's either Okay! or OK!
SprinklesOfDoom: ...koay demon, you can laugh now
SprinklesOfDoom: *demon laughs*
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: YOU BOT!!!!
messi: hehe
SprinklesOfDoom: Please turn to chanel 902 to watch this movie now! Time Warner Cable, the power of you
SprinklesOfDoom: hehe? Very nice, messi, i see you are improving!
messi: ty
SprinklesOfDoom: Messi, I am (not) sorry (BEcuz i am Shobergzzzzz) to tell you this, but Ty is a beenie baby company
messi: oh
SprinklesOfDoom: For the love of Macaroni with little kids! PLEASE capitalize your words! *demon laughs* DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
messi: ok
SprinklesOfDoom: SHULD I CALL MR. SOKI?!?!?!??!???!?!?! CUZ I CAN!!!!! IM SHOBERG!!!
messi: ?
messi: sorry.i ahve to go now bye
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Let me introduce you to a little thing i like to call ShoutBox.
It's where you can post comments for everyone to see! Kinda like a chatroom thing. It's the little box at the right. If you can't see your message on there, go to this website:


Hope you'll try it out!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Crazy Mixed up Dream!!!


I had the weirdest dream a few days ago...and i really wanted to share it with someone. Luckily, my pal pUrPlErOcKs came on and i told her. So now, im gonna tell you. I call it:

The Demon Spirit at the Mine
P.S. Anything in Orange was me adding a comment. the orange is not actually a part of the conversation

pUrPlErOcKs (12:06:11 PM): omg wat was ur crazy dream?!
TinkTink203 (12:06:21 PM): hey!!!!!
TinkTink203 (12:06:23 PM): ur here!
pUrPlErOcKs (12:06:29 PM): yup im here!
TinkTink203 (12:06:38 PM): ok ,ok
TinkTink203 (12:06:48 PM): so we were on a feild trip to this old mine
TinkTink203 (12:07:04 PM): and a lot of people had died there, so like it was really creepy
pUrPlErOcKs (12:07:05 PM): old mine. . .
pUrPlErOcKs (12:07:11 PM): ok thts creepy
TinkTink203 (12:07:27 PM): and so like there were a lot of dead bodies and spirits around The mine part was longer than this though...it was like where we went to this old abondoned mine, and it wasnt really like a mine at all, because after we went up the scaffolding and climbed into the mine, it was like an office building. There was blood everywhere; there wasnt actually dead bodies. And we went into this really grand room with like a skylight and everything. I dont know, i only remember it as it being like a library or something. This was really where the tour began. All we did was do a science experiment with balloons, went to the top of the building, and came back down. I only remember me, janelle, dani, brad, kaitlin, and some other people come out though. And we had four classes at this feild trip O_o
TinkTink203 (12:08:04 PM): so after we left, though, we went back to school, and Brad (guy @ out skool) had gotten possesed by one of the angry spirits
pUrPlErOcKs (12:08:19 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:08:25 PM): so the cops in the school were holding out the doors so the people could get in and so they could keep Brad out
pUrPlErOcKs (12:08:53 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:08:55 PM): but they wanted to save themselves so they told me to hold the door, and im just like "wtf then how do i save myself" and there just like "you dont. Oh, and make sure you dont try to save yourself, otherwise that kid will come in."
pUrPlErOcKs (12:09:17 PM): LOL!
TinkTink203 (12:09:34 PM): so i held the door so brad wouldnt get in. Well, i tried to save myself, but i was too late, and brad came in and stood over me
pUrPlErOcKs (12:09:50 PM): lol!
TinkTink203 (12:09:59 PM): and im just like "please dont hurt me." and he ended up slicing my head off
TinkTink203 (12:10:09 PM): or, at least i thought
pUrPlErOcKs (12:10:21 PM): omg! thts creepy
pUrPlErOcKs (12:10:33 PM): did u wake up after he sliced ur head off?
TinkTink203 (12:10:43 PM): so i was running with janelle and dani and brad was chasing us
pUrPlErOcKs (12:10:56 PM): i remember dani! - I actually know pUrPlErOcKs in real life; we used to go to school together (w/ janelle and dani and others)
TinkTink203 (12:11:00 PM): and we got separated trying to find a way out
TinkTink203 (12:11:10 PM): it was actually really scary
TinkTink203 (12:11:36 PM): because brad had like...lets see if i remember...he had a knife, a machetty (something like that), a gun...and i think a grenade and he had cameoflage (however u spell it) on. like an army soldier
pUrPlErOcKs (12:11:39 PM): night mares!
pUrPlErOcKs (12:11:44 PM): omg
pUrPlErOcKs (12:11:48 PM): thts like not normal
TinkTink203 (12:11:54 PM): they were all bloody too
pUrPlErOcKs (12:12:00 PM): EWWWWWWW!
TinkTink203 (12:12:22 PM): so anyway, dani ended up in where ms drewiskis room (she was our music teacher...this school i was at was for 5th and 6th graders...i dont know why my dream happened there)
pUrPlErOcKs (12:12:28 PM): u have the weirdest dreams ever!
TinkTink203 (12:12:34 PM): but it wasnt ms drewiskis room, cuz it had beanbags and a tv...and it was really small
pUrPlErOcKs (12:12:44 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:12:56 PM): and janelle...we dont know where she ended up at the moment, but i ended up in the boys bathroom (none of the guys noticed i was there...)
TinkTink203 (12:13:06 PM): then brad came in the boys bathroom
pUrPlErOcKs (12:13:17 PM): creepy!!!
TinkTink203 (12:13:17 PM): and im like "omfg hes gonna kill me this time"
TinkTink203 (12:13:24 PM): so i hid in one of the stalls
pUrPlErOcKs (12:13:28 PM): but he sliced ur head off before!
TinkTink203 (12:13:36 PM): no
TinkTink203 (12:13:38 PM): i thought he did
pUrPlErOcKs (12:13:40 PM): wait. . . y the boys bathroom
TinkTink203 (12:13:52 PM): it was the only place i could find on such short notice
pUrPlErOcKs (12:13:59 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:14:04 PM): any other questions b4 i continue?
pUrPlErOcKs (12:14:20 PM): nope
TinkTink203 (12:14:22 PM): ...
TinkTink203 (12:14:23 PM): ok
TinkTink203 (12:14:59 PM): so anyway, then i ran out...i was really scared because i wanted to call janelle, but i was scared that if i called her while she was hiding from brad, if brad was in the same room as her he would kill her
TinkTink203 (12:15:07 PM): so i called her anyway
pUrPlErOcKs (12:15:27 PM): -cough-
TinkTink203 (12:15:55 PM): and i ran into the janitors big storage room...and shes just like "omg jourdan its you" and im just like "omfg janelle where are you?" and shes just like "the janitors room"
TinkTink203 (12:16:13 PM): (she really called it the boiler room ((i watched titanic the night b4, so, u kno...)))
TinkTink203 (12:16:31 PM): and im just like "omg , im there!" and then we got really excited
TinkTink203 (12:16:43 PM): "and im just like, we gotta call dani and see where she is"
pUrPlErOcKs (12:16:54 PM): ha
TinkTink203 (12:17:22 PM): so we did, and danis just like "omg guys! i made it out! i escaped!" and we're just like "wait 4 us, ok?" and shes like "ok, be careful" (she never waited for us...if i remember correctly, she walked home...to her old house...O_o)
TinkTink203 (12:17:30 PM): and i left the boiler room w/o janelle...i have no idea why...
TinkTink203 (12:17:40 PM): so i tried to go throo one of the doors
TinkTink203 (12:17:51 PM): but there were red shoes blocking the way (like shoes u get from hoops for heart and jumprope 4 heart n stuff) hoops for heart was a thing we did for school where we had to shoot basketballs to raise money for some heart foundation thing. Jumprope for heart was done in elementary school, where we did the same ting only we jumproped instead.
TinkTink203 (12:18:02 PM): and all the other doors were bolted shut
pUrPlErOcKs (12:18:03 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (12:18:11 PM): oh my
TinkTink203 (12:18:18 PM): so anyway...
TinkTink203 (12:18:29 PM): hold on, let me think...
TinkTink203 (12:18:53 PM): oh yea!
pUrPlErOcKs (12:19:11 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:19:26 PM): so i went back to the boiler room and we called dani back, and shes just like "break a window!"because thts wat she did. and we tried to, but brad was still hunting everyone down...and so he would hear the glass breaking
TinkTink203 (12:19:53 PM): but we found out that brad wasnt possesed anymore, and he was watching TV with some random girl he called his girlfrend
pUrPlErOcKs (12:20:02 PM): LOL!
TinkTink203 (12:20:05 PM): So we tried breaking the glass and I got free, but somehow, i ended back inside O_o.
TinkTink203 (12:20:16 PM): so we went to the gym, which was dissconnected from the school apparently isnt in real life
TinkTink203 (12:20:31 PM): and the kids were playing dogeball and basketball like nothing happened!
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:20:48 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:20:51 PM): but then...
TinkTink203 (12:21:03 PM): this was where it got really bad
TinkTink203 (12:21:15 PM): janelle got possessed by the demon
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:21:26 PM): night mares for me
TinkTink203 (12:21:53 PM): and she started to shoot the kids in the gym...so i tried to escape throo the gym doors, but omg! she heard the gym door closing, so she ran outside and tried to shoot at me
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:22:21 PM): go figure
TinkTink203 (12:22:32 PM): so i ran around the gym one time and went inside, and she knew i went inside (i was standing behind the door) so she opened the gym door and started shooting again, and i ran out b4 she noticed i wasnt in there
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:23:05 PM): i could say something really mean right now but i wont
TinkTink203 (12:23:40 PM): say it
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:23:42 PM): nah
TinkTink203 (12:23:45 PM): how come?
TinkTink203 (12:23:54 PM): is it mean about me?
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:23:56 PM): fine
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:24:11 PM): wasnt -this part has been deleted... just in case-
TinkTink203 (12:24:18 PM): O_O
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:24:23 PM): k go on
TinkTink203 (12:24:37 PM): and something happened, but i think the school relocated to the middle school, because wen i went outside, it looked like the middle school
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:24:47 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:25:00 PM): and i ran towards the bike racks, and i didnt have enough time to unlock my bike, so i stole a bike...
TinkTink203 (12:25:21 PM): and she found out i ran away, so she stole a bike too, and she tried to shoot at me, but she was too far away
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:25:46 PM): haha
TinkTink203 (12:26:06 PM): so i rode to the park and dived into the pond there. and she knew that i was hiding there, so she just kept aiming the gun at the pond, and it was really scary because her face looked so evil...
TinkTink203 (12:26:25 PM): so, i swam underwater to the other side of the pool
TinkTink203 (12:26:56 PM): and silently got out...and then i went to the hospital which was kinda right next to the park this is really where the hospital is located
TinkTink203 (12:27:11 PM): and i did the stupidest thing ever
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:27:11 PM): umm r u sure this didnt happen cuase its like so detailed
TinkTink203 (12:27:20 PM): i called janelle
TinkTink203 (12:27:47 PM): and i challenged the spirit to come to the hospital (i was there because i knew if i got possesed the doctors would help me)
TinkTink203 (12:27:51 PM): and posses me
TinkTink203 (12:28:08 PM): and it did
TinkTink203 (12:28:29 PM): it was only for a minute though
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:28:51 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:29:07 PM): idk if it went back to me or janelle...
TinkTink203 (12:29:18 PM): but one of us went to piggly wiggly and started shootnig
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:29:22 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (12:29:27 PM): and that was it
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:29:29 PM): i loved tht store!
TinkTink203 (12:29:48 PM): im done
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (12:30:05 PM): tht was one crazy dream

So there you have it. This has been a Jeorge Story CONVO.

P.S. I might be changing the web URL to jeorgestory, instead of you know how its called tinktink203.blogspot.com...i think im gonna change it to jeorgestory.blogspot.com. Or maybe ill just buy a website thats called jeorgestory.com. I'll give you the 411 when ive decided.
P.S.S. wouldnt it be cool if you had the same dream as me?!? O_O sa-weet
P.S.S.S. you know whats really uncanny? passed the gym which was dissconnected, there was a location where another one of my dreams was. Like, it was a dusty road. And that's where ive had a dream before. Isnt that weird?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hanks Pancakes!!!

Stumbling over some old files, i clicked on one and stumbled upon Hanks Pancakes!!!

Is it a type of Pancake Mix?
Is it a restaurant?
Donne moi une pancakes?
Wtf? (alright, alright...donne moi une pancakes means 'give me some pancakes'.)

It's a person!
Well, a person me n' my gal pal Dani invented.
Ah yes, it was a boring day in the Jeorge residents when me n' Dani decided to mess around with the Runescape Gold Farmer's Live Support (you guys know how i luv messin with those guys...ane even if you dont play/dont like Runescape, it doesnt matter. Just try it out. you'll understand.) and we came across a little friend *cough*bot*cough* named Ruby. Next to Maggie, she's so funny. Dani thought of the name HanksPancakes. I have to say, nice going Dani. It really is funny. Oh, and by the way, we shared the keyboard, so his/her gender changes a lot...lol.
And so, i present to you, HANKS PANCAKES LIVE SUPPORT!!!:
Welcome to Vgsgame,nice to meet you.
ruby: hello
HanksPancakes: Bowla
ruby: ^ ^
HanksPancakes: commet ca va aujoud hui?
HanksPancakes: ...Salut?
ruby: wait a moment please
HanksPancakes: je ne sais pas
HanksPancakes: cornmeal?
ruby: sorry, i can't French
HanksPancakes: oh, thats ok
HanksPancakes: neither can i
ruby: can i help you?
HanksPancakes: yes, where do one-legged waitresses work?
ruby: What do you mean by one-legged waitresses
HanksPancakes: I mean, one legged waitreses. Like, they only have one leg
ruby: sorry, i don't know the answer
HanksPancakes: Ihop! Ba dum, ching!
HanksPancakes: haw, haw, haw
HanksPancakes: ...yeah.
ruby: ^^
HanksPancakes: I was wondernig if you shipped your gold to the Johto region. See, my grandson Bartholomew just got a D- on his report card, and i want to congratulate him by giving him some gold dabloons and a box of Corn Flakes. He's eaten the Corn Flakes already, so I want to give him something inedible
ruby: i see .Johto region? in which game?
HanksPancakes: I believe the name is called RunScrap, RuneScrape, somehting like that. I would also like to give some gold to my pet platypus Sherman. He likes cherry pie and cherry pie ONLY.
ruby: ok
ruby: yes, so you mean you want to buy your grandson some rs gold right?
ruby: yes, we have runescape gold
HanksPancakes: Ah yes. I am 98 years old. What is RuneScape? I think it's a cult, but my grandson wont tell me.
ruby: oh, really? you are a nice grandpa
ruby: have you ordered yet?
HanksPancakes: I am a grandma! Didn't you read my T-shirt? It says "Foxy Grandma".
HanksPancakes: Do i have to order on the computer?
ruby: yes
HanksPancakes: Oh, well...I don't have a computer. I used to in 1835, but then in World War 2, it got destroyed to the Germans. Not that i hate them. I dont hate them! what are you talking about? USA! USA! USA! USA!
ruby: well, if you don't have a computer, why are you talking with me now?
HanksPancakes: I am not at liberty to say...If i told you, I'd have to kill you. But you know, nothing personal.
ruby: ^^
HanksPancakes: Have you been to the Johto region? It's very nice and tropical. My Pikachu and I love to hit the clubs.
ruby: sorry, i haven't been there before
HanksPancakes: Well, what you do is you go into Elvis's house, take a left, shimmy into the mine cart, go right passed Janken's old windmill, then take a dive under the earth's crust, where you will get flung out of the cart. Then, walk 5 miles down the RIGHT path and to the LEFT door. Not the RIGHT. The right one explodes, we have to fix that. Then, you're going to be lifted in the air and spun around several hundred times. It's ok. That's just Paul. You'll be givin a pint of beer, where you'll soon pass out. in at least 62 hours you'll be transported to a village called Cornmeal. Look at the Directory and fin the Johto region
ruby: thank you
HanksPancakes: hold on, im not done yet
ruby: ok
HanksPancakes: then hop on the Bus of Doom, where you'll be sliced in half and taken to the hospital. The only hospital is in Johto. After paying the medical bill (they'll kill you if you dont), then go to the bar. My monkey Jerome will be there to escort you to either the gym where you'll lose 25% of flabbage, McDonalds, to gain 25% of the flabbage you just lost, and/or back under the earth's crust where you'll have to repeat this process 5 more times.
HanksPancakes: What was your first Pokemon? Mine was RippyourheadoffMon
HanksPancakes: what? where am i? Ou? Quand? A Quelle Heure?
ruby: yes
HanksPancakes: who are you? My name is Flogenhimer, and I'm a foxy Grandpa
ruby: is there anything i can do for you ? foxy grandpa
HanksPancakes: Did i change genders again? Silly me. Anyway, originally my question was "Do you ship to the Johto region?"
ruby: is Johto region a place?
HanksPancakes: Yes, and it is also a national anthem, a city in Pokemon, and a type of mexican fruit
HanksPancakes: USA! USA! USA! USA!
ruby: no, i'm araid not
HanksPancakes: afriad not of what?
ruby: shiping to there
HanksPancakes: Well...do you at least ship to Sinnoh?
ruby: no, we don't
HanksPancakes: Damn
ruby: if you want to buy rs gold, we can give you by the Internet
HanksPancakes: I'm sorry, i dont have what you kids call "The Internet". I dont even have a computer =(
HanksPancakes: If you look sideways, you will notice a frowny face
ruby: well, That's strange, if you don't have a computer and Internet, how can you talking to me?
HanksPancakes: I'm not at liberty to say...If i told you, I'd have to kill you. But you know, nothing personal
ruby: you must be very clever, because i never see a grandma who is 98 can log in the computer and talk to me
HanksPancakes: ^^
ruby: ^^
HanksPancakes: well, yes. I invented sliced ham, TVs, microwaveable popcorn, and the Plastic Toe. I also invented My Little Pony Playset and Jungle Gym (each set sold separetly)
HanksPancakes: And by the way, I am a grandpa. A Foxy Grandpa
HanksPancakes: And also, i dont log into the computer. I dont have a computer.
ruby: sorry, i'm busy now, wait a moment
HanksPancakes: crap
HanksPancakes: im going to go to KogaKola while i wait. I'll bring my Foxy Grandpa Ladies with me.
HanksPancakes: i like to call it my FGL
HanksPancakes: Hola! Me Paco! Dora The Explorer! Hey, when did i get here? Who are you? Why am I on the bathroom floor with a knife through my heart? Pl0x!

and there you have it!!! Hanks Pancakes, and his FGL(s)!
I hope you have enjoyed this little conversation blurb, and please tune in next week when we talk with Citheya!!!!!!!

~.:*JOSOA*:.~ \.:@C.O.N.V.O@:./

Sunday, July 20, 2008

IM Update!

Alright, i know this is my second post today, but...I just had another great conversation with pUrPlErOcKs*. And it all started out with a simple question!!!
Here, I shall show it to you:

TinkTink203 (8:27:03 PM): when u press enter when theres nothing typed, how come they call it a form?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:27:50 PM): idk
pUrPlErOcKs (8:28:06 PM): maybe cause they wanna sound offical
TinkTink203 (8:28:10 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs0076 (8:28:44 PM): lol!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:28:50 PM): i see our convo!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:28:53 PM): its so random!
TinkTink203 (8:28:55 PM): ialsmrninefbiinftwail?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:29:14 PM): wat the?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:29:30 PM): ok sry but i dont speak cat
TinkTink203 (8:29:36 PM): it means: i am laughing so much rgith now its not even funny but if its not funny then why am i laughinng?
TinkTink203 (8:30:40 PM): wuwhrnbsmlhbgw/ou
pUrPlErOcKs (8:30:56 PM): lol!!
TinkTink203 (8:31:11 PM): heres a perfect note to put on a postcard!!!!: wish u were here right now but seriously my life has been great w/o you
pUrPlErOcKs (8:31:51 PM): thts hilarious!
TinkTink203 (8:32:06 PM): mshtbrciwlsm
TinkTink203 (8:32:27 PM): my spleen had to be removed cuz i was laughing so much
TinkTink203 (8:32:46 PM): ihugrij
TinkTink203 (8:32:52 PM): i hope u go rot in jail
pUrPlErOcKs (8:33:00 PM): lol!
TinkTink203 (8:33:13 PM): iavctbuwawirn
TinkTink203 (8:33:30 PM): i am very close to beating u with a waffle iron right now
pUrPlErOcKs (8:33:39 PM): lol!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:33:47 PM): im laughing out oud right now!
TinkTink203 (8:33:52 PM): and the classic 1:
TinkTink203 (8:34:03 PM): hmldittgtttrcoatp?
TinkTink203 (8:34:20 PM): how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:34:27 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:34:34 PM): i like the waffle iron one!
TinkTink203 (8:34:39 PM): ihucosatfdaw
TinkTink203 (8:34:53 PM): i hope u choke on skittles and then fall down a well
TinkTink203 (8:35:13 PM): ifydustsajfdaw
pUrPlErOcKs (8:35:18 PM): LOL!
TinkTink203 (8:35:36 PM): in fact, y dont u just skip the skittles and fall down a well
pUrPlErOcKs (8:36:06 PM): LOL!!!
TinkTink203 (8:36:07 PM): iwrltsubpbsuun
TinkTink203 (8:36:23 PM): i would really like to suffocate you by putting beef sticks up ur nose
TinkTink203 (8:36:46 PM): and the one that many gamblers use!:
TinkTink203 (8:36:51 PM): diwihtwlt
pUrPlErOcKs (8:36:56 PM): lol!
TinkTink203 (8:37:05 PM): dang i wish i had that winning lottery ticket
pUrPlErOcKs (8:37:19 PM): omg! lol im like laughingmy head off!
TinkTink203 (8:37:31 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:37:34 PM): lets see...
TinkTink203 (8:37:55 PM): ihalobeu
TinkTink203 (8:38:03 PM): i hope a loaf of bread eats u
pUrPlErOcKs (8:38:10 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:38:12 PM): LOL!
TinkTink203 (8:38:39 PM): tbttwasiatt
TinkTink203 (8:38:50 PM): the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time
TinkTink203 (8:39:27 PM): ihttutbnorlu
TinkTink203 (8:39:37 PM): i hate to tell u this but no one really likes u
TinkTink203 (8:39:48 PM): twtbuwawi
TinkTink203 (8:39:56 PM): they want to beat u with a waffle iron
TinkTink203 (8:40:16 PM): iwtpuhiatcrn
TinkTink203 (8:40:28 PM): i want to put ur head in a trash compactor right now
pUrPlErOcKs (8:40:34 PM): LOL!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:40:43 PM): omg where do u get these from?
TinkTink203 (8:40:49 PM): its easy
TinkTink203 (8:40:53 PM): u just make em up
TinkTink203 (8:40:59 PM): like for example
pUrPlErOcKs (8:40:59 PM): lol ur a genuis!
TinkTink203 (8:41:07 PM): ahem:
TinkTink203 (8:41:16 PM): iwtwuwaeoc
TinkTink203 (8:41:24 PM): i want to whack you with an ear of corn
pUrPlErOcKs (8:41:32 PM): LOL!!!
TinkTink203 (8:41:37 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:41:54 PM): hibabma!!!!
TinkTink203 (8:42:03 PM): help im being attacked by mutant antelopes!!!!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:42:17 PM): LOL!!!!!!!!
TinkTink203 (8:42:27 PM): ihubacaibacsicsu
TinkTink203 (8:42:38 PM): i hope u become a criminal and i become a cop so i can shoot u
pUrPlErOcKs (8:42:59 PM): hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!
TinkTink203 (8:43:12 PM): ooh! i got 1!
TinkTink203 (8:43:24 PM): iidcmrrnmdgbmwat
TinkTink203 (8:43:36 PM): if i dont clean my room right now my dads gonna beat me with a toaster
pUrPlErOcKs (8:43:49 PM): lol!!!
TinkTink203 (8:44:17 PM): make your bedtime stories shorter!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:44:24 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:44:40 PM): ouattwtbatlbgdftrasfoawte
TinkTink203 (8:45:12 PM): once upon a time there were three bears and this little blonde girl didnt follow the rules and she flew out a window the end
pUrPlErOcKs (8:45:44 PM): lol!
TinkTink203 (8:46:06 PM): siettbdtmmosbmwat
pUrPlErOcKs (8:46:10 PM): LMFAO!!!!
TinkTink203 (8:46:29 PM): sometimes i eat the toothpaste but dont tell my mom or she'll beat me with a toaster
pUrPlErOcKs (8:47:01 PM): lolololololololol!
TinkTink203 (8:47:01 PM): hmm..
TinkTink203 (8:47:31 PM): ilylaswnrbljpidsuwgmam
TinkTink203 (8:47:49 PM): i love you like a sister well not really but lets just pretend i do so u wont get mad at me
pUrPlErOcKs (8:48:06 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:48:21 PM): or, u can make those messages blunt!
TinkTink203 (8:48:30 PM): idhaf
TinkTink203 (8:48:33 PM): i dont have a finger
TinkTink203 (8:49:06 PM): usulmbfiwtpuhiab
TinkTink203 (8:49:20 PM): u say u love me but frankly i want to put ur head in a blender
TinkTink203 (8:49:39 PM): or
pUrPlErOcKs (8:49:48 PM): lol!!!
TinkTink203 (8:49:52 PM): uowacsaugdi7d
TinkTink203 (8:50:11 PM): ur operation wasnt a complete success so ur gonna die in 7 days
pUrPlErOcKs (8:50:16 PM): g2g
pUrPlErOcKs (8:50:18 PM): lol!!!
TinkTink203 (8:50:19 PM): awwww
TinkTink203 (8:50:21 PM): ok
pUrPlErOcKs (8:50:31 PM): ill talk to u tom maybe!
TinkTink203 (8:50:47 PM): mmkay ill b here! (maybe) =D
pUrPlErOcKs (8:50:55 PM): i saved all of those on a word document!
TinkTink203 (8:51:00 PM): yay!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:51:01 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:51:08 PM): bye!
TinkTink203 (8:51:09 PM): im posting again on my blog
TinkTink203 (8:51:12 PM): bye!!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:51:14 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:51:18 PM): see ya
TinkTink203 (8:51:21 PM): have fun sleeping! dont die in ur dreams!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:51:26 PM): omg!
pUrPlErOcKs signed off at 8:51:35 PM.
purplerocks is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
TinkTink203 (8:51:35 PM): ...Freddy Kurger *eyes dart nervousl*

And so there you have it. I hope that these will become useful to you!! until then:
Good Bye For Now And Thank God I Won't See You For A Couple Of Hours

Lol, tell that one to your bf/gf and see what they think!


~.:*JOSOA*:.~ \.:@C.O.N.V.O@:./

Guess What!!!!

First off, I'd like to introduce a new type of post:
Crazyness Oas* and Not Very Orderly
* - oas is my internet term meaning On A Stick

and now: Guess what!!!!!!!

I'm gonna take over the world!!!
You see, while i was thinking about ways for more people to visit my site (it was a convo with pUrPlErOcKs*, i came up with a foolproof plan.
here it is!:

TinkTink203 (7:57:43 PM): i really want ppl 2 visit my site more, but idk how 2 do tht
pUrPlErOcKs (7:57:50 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (7:57:55 PM): any suggestions gal pal?
pUrPlErOcKs (7:58:13 PM): tell ur friends to tell their friends
TinkTink203 (7:58:43 PM): i suppose...anything else?
TinkTink203 (7:59:01 PM): I know! ill take over the world!
pUrPlErOcKs (7:59:08 PM): yes!
TinkTink203 (7:59:14 PM): its brilliant!
pUrPlErOcKs (7:59:31 PM): it is!
TinkTink203 (7:59:53 PM): first, ill take over Mc Donalds...and itll all go downhill from there!!! mwahaha! XD
pUrPlErOcKs (8:00:14 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:00:20 PM): thts funny
TinkTink203 (8:00:26 PM): and u can help!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:00:36 PM): yay!!
TinkTink203 (8:00:48 PM): just u, me, and artificial cheese in a can!! its perfect!!!
pUrPlErOcKs(8:00:57 PM): lol!!!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:01:01 PM): its brilliant!
TinkTink203 (8:01:08 PM): Ah yes...
pUrPlErOcKs (8:01:24 PM): dont forget the crackers in a box
TinkTink203 (8:01:38 PM): ah yes, cant forget tht!
TinkTink203 (8:01:42 PM): then, as my first demand, ill make them name a hamburger after me!!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:01:51 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:02:10 PM): and u can have your face plastered to the side of a giant horse!
TinkTink203 (8:02:24 PM): its foolproof!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:02:53 PM): omg!!!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:02:56 PM): i love tht!
TinkTink203 (8:03:01 PM): lol
pUrPlErOcKs (8:03:58 PM): its purrrrfect!
TinkTink203 (8:04:25 PM): was that an intended pun?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:04:43 PM): yes it was
TinkTink203 (8:04:55 PM): ...ouch
pUrPlErOcKs (8:04:57 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:05:02 PM): that kinda stung
pUrPlErOcKs (8:05:11 PM): sry
pUrPlErOcKs (8:05:15 PM): tht was my fault
TinkTink203 (8:05:18 PM): omg!
TinkTink203 (8:05:26 PM): i think ur pun just gave me whiplash!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:05:39 PM): omg!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:05:50 PM): jeorge! r u ok?!?
TinkTink203 (8:05:52 PM): help! help! 8runs into wall*
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:00 PM): -yells- can u hear me?
TinkTink203 (8:06:06 PM): ...wtf?
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:11 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (8:06:12 PM): im not deaf
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:16 PM): oh
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:18 PM): then
TinkTink203 (8:06:23 PM): and YES, I CAN HEAR YOU!
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:27 PM): ok, thts good
pUrPlErOcKs (8:06:35 PM): how many fingers am i holding up?
TinkTink203 (8:06:52 PM): i dont know, i have whiplash!

Yeah, i ended up with whiplash...not one of my better days -_-
Well, thanks for reading!


* = name has been changed


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Best Chainletter Ever!!!!

POMG...well, I know it's like kinda late (the time at the bottom of the page fools you...), but anyway, I just read the funniest and truest of all chain letters!!! Check it out:

Dear All,
My thanks to all those who have sent me emails this past year........
I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about cockroach eggs in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing.

Also, I now have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.

I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl ( Penny Brown ); who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.

I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $1000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program

..... I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa 's novena has granted my every wish.

I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.

Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.

Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca-Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer can buy gas without taking a man along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan .

Thanks to you, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my bum.

And thanks to your great advice, I can't even pick up the $5 I found dropped in the car park because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00pm this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump.

I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician.

Enjoy the rest of 2008 ...

And it's funny. Know why? It's true. Oh, and also, I'd like to give a special shout out of my own:

Thanks for giving me a cursed love life for the next 247 years.
Thanks for making me lose all my friends because i didn't send this letter back to them. i know they understand, but right now their probably planning some kind of neucular attack on me because I can't send a chainletter back to them in the next 10 minutes.
Thanks for telling me that God doesn't love me because I can't send an e-mail to 15 people in the next 45 minutes.
Thanks for giving me a cursed life with misery for the next 321 years.
Thanks for telling me that my friends are drifting away from me, and that a silly little chain letter telling them that will fix it all, even though i see them every day.
Thanks, I really enjoyed wasting my life sending a chain letter to 60 people and pressing F7, because I wanted to see my crush's name in big, blocky letters. Because I really need a reminder of who I like.
I really love it how you crush my wishes, my hopes and dreams because by the time i read your silly little letter, my time to send it to 25 people has expired, and no one will love me for the next 7 years.
Thanks, I can't wait for that clown to come up on the foot of my bed at 3am with a chainsaw, ready to cut me down. Because surely I wouldn't hear him starting up the chainsaw and run.
Thanks for also telling me that there is a girl who will be at the foot of my bed under a white sheet humming. I do enjoy clowns and girls in sheets at the foot of my bed at 3 in the freaken morning.
I absolutely adore hearing about those sick, sick girls who need help right this very second. I do like a reminder that I'm a bad person because I can't contribute 3 cents to that 7 year old girl who is now 28 and is probably alive and well thanks to others donations. I'm pretty sure she's sick and tired of reciveing money to help her cancer. Was it cancer? I forgot, she has so many other medical conditions, it's hard to remember.
I don't use my e-mail very much, and I love people telling me that my life is pretty much screwed because I don't have enough contacts to send this to.

I hope I've covered everything. Though I have to admit, I love the e-mail with the cute pictures of the dogs. I also like the chalk drawings. But now it's starting to cheese me off because i get those letters 60 times a day.

Alright. I just had to get that out of my system. I hope you all enjoy your next 21 loveless years too!
