That's right, all. POST NUMBER FIFTY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've struggled through these first 50th posts. Trying to get readers, getting comments...Well, I just wanna say *sniff* that I'm glad *wipes tear* that you guys are here! *sobs* I love you guys!
I hope these next 50 posts (if i make it! ^_^) are even better yet =D
So, screw this emotional crap. Time for the 50th post! (Rgiht after this message):
Mango, Jerry, I dedicate this post and my bad-ass glittery text to you. Thanks, my buddies ^_^.
It's a story that Mango and I came up with when I had Writer's Block. It's a little something called:
Not really perfected, but i hope you guys like it ^_^
The Adventures of Steve the Waffle
By Tink and Mango
In the vast Bacon Kingdom lies a town. This town is an ordinary town; located right in the middle of the Kingdom. This town is called Hashbrownsville.
Meet Steve. By day, an ordinary waffle. By night…
Kitten the SuperWaffle!
…But where there is a SuperWaffle Superhero…
There is a SuperPancake Villan.
And that SuperPancake Villan is known as Charles. Or as people like to call him…Mr. Yum Yums. With his evil sidekick, Tator Tot Joe, together they attempt to take over the Bacon Kingdom.
It was a peaceful day in the Kingdom of Bacon. The yolk was shining, the bacon bits were chirping…another beautiful day.
Kitten the SuperWaffle (he goes by his undercover name…Steve) was walking down the wafer streets when he hears a desperate cry for help. Darting his eyes left and right, he proceeds to an ally, where he transforms into…
“It’s Kitten, The SuperWaffle!” shouted a lobster. He bounced into the air and flew, his ears picking up any signs of danger. Hearing the cry again, he swooped down to find none other than…Sally the Squash, fighting for dear life to get her purse back from none other than--
“Tater Tot Joe.” said Kitten menacingly. “We meet again. Where is your master?” Joe laughed cruelly and spat. “Foolish Waffle. By the power of my Tater tot-ness, I shall defeat you. You are no match for my kung-fu potato goodness!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, bub!”exclaimed Kitten. Racing at the speed of light, dodging trashcans and other obstacles, he punches Tater Tot Joe in his weak spot -- his warm potato-y center. He tries to throw another punch when Mr. Yum Yums swoops in.
“Mr. Yum Yums! Or should I say…Charles!” gasps Kitten.
“That’s right.” sneered Mr. Yum Yums. “And even though you are my half twin brother, you’re going down. You’re no match for the steamy goodness of my pancake delight!” he said, walking closer and closer toward Kitten. He was taken aback with Mr. Yum Yum’s power.
“Waffle...powers…activate.” gasped Kitten. And with his strength returning, he punches Mr. Yum Yums in his flavorful eye. Mr. Yum Yums yelled in agony and threw punch wildly, hitting Kitten twice, but mostly missing my inches.
“Beet vision, activate!” he yelled, his eyes glowing red. Before Mr. Yum Yums had a chance to counteract, a thousand red and white beets were flung at him.
Mr. Yum Yums lay there in a heap under hundreds of beats.
“Victory is--” started Kitten, but was interrupted when Mr. Yum Yums said, “Not so fast, Kitten the SuperWaffle.” he got up from the pile of beets, with a look of pure hated painted across his face. “Prepare to taste the power…the power of what, you may ask? Prepare to taste the power…of MILK!!!”
“NO!” exclaimed Kitten “I’m allergic to--” milk poured into his mouth before he could finish his sentence. The cold white substance made him gag. Drenched in milk and on the ground, he raised a hand and said, “Pudding power…activate.”
Our hero lay there, motionless, unconscious from the milk he had consumed.
“Bwahaha! Looks like I, Mr. Yum Yums, has finally--”
The ground started to shake violently.
“Master, w-what is that?” asked Tater Tot Joe.
All of a sudden, a wave of delicious chocolate pudding swept the alley, sweeping Mr. Yum Yums and Tater Tot Joe away.
“I’ll get you someday, Kitten the SuperWaffle!” yelled Mr. Yum Yums in the distance. His voice echoed through the alley.
“Kitten…Kitten! Wake up!” said a sweet voice beside him. He awoke to find none other than Sally the Squash by his side.
“Sally…did I win?” asked Kitten.
“Yes! A wave of pudding swept them clean out of the alley!”
“Good.” said Kitten, taking a stand. “And by the power of Kitten the SuperWaffle, I declare this mission to be OVER!”
And then the town returned to normal. Except it was all covered in pudding. But pudding is good, so that’s okay.
The End!!!
Thanks guys. For a great 50 posts ^_^
Heres hoping for 50 more.
Cheers! ^_^
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