Monday, December 17, 2007

Jeorge Story 1

Alright, here it is: The first ever Jeorge Story!

I hate Higgly Town Heros. NO, I'm serious. This e-mail is all about how i hate Higgly Town and every bobbly person in it:Okay, they're having a great time (this morning they were looking for some stupid bird) and then they get stuck and Twinkle shares her really idiotic idea about some faries or white magical bunnies (I really hate her).Now see, this is usually the part where Fran tells some lame pun about Twinkles idea, then Twikles is all like, "Aw, Pickles." And then Ubee says "We need the help of someone special." and then they sing the little song, then all of a sudden some Higgly Town Hero shows up UNANNOUNCED with blue fireworks in the backround. I mean really. What are the chances of a higgly person ACTUALLY showing up and have some lame tune already rehersed and ready to be sung. I mean if i started singing the higgly song in public when my nail broke, who would come?
"Someone special who could it be"
"This jobs to big for you and me" (honestly, EVERY job is too big for them)
"We need some help"
"But never fear-o" (LOOK IT UP! It's not a word. If a little kid is hiding under the bed during a thunderstorm and you ask them why, they arnt gonna say "Im full of fear-o)
"It looks like a job"
"For a Higgly Town Hero"
And when they get scared they all jump into Ubee's (YOO-bee) little body. ((omfg please don't even ask why they named him that; there must be somebody pyschotic working there, i mean really. "this is my son, Charlie." "Oh yeah, this is MY son Ubee!" honestly, Ubee's gonna be that guy that ends up on the couch all day)). I mean honest, doesnt Ubee weigh a lot already ( offense)?! And does he give PERMISSION to use his stomach?! I mean when your dog is scared, do you swollow him/her whole and wait for whatevers frightening him/her to leave?! NO! THEY CAN ALL GO ROT IN A SACK!Im sorry, I'm just made at Ubee, he gambled with me on Thursday and owes me 70 bucks. Anyway, the point is, If you EVER go to Higgly Town, don't ever start singing that song, unless you're crazy and psychotic as everyone else in that town (Their bodies are cut in half!!!)

2 More things to add:
1. Why does stupid Wayne (no offense to anywone out there named Wayne) have to like toast so much?!
2. If you really think about it, when you really look at it, the show is actually really disturbing and should not air for little childeren.

This Jeorge Story is property of me, any copying of this story will result in me taking the whooping stick to your skull. If you are going to post this on another blog, please give credit to the following website:

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