Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentino's Day One Day late!

Hey there! I know, i haven't been keeping up on my part of the deal (of course neither have you...) so I'm going to post a Jeorge Story. I'm also going up north for the weekned (spelling?) so I may catch up with my posts. Here you go, an original Jeorge Story (or Sotry):

***Deminsion 10: an inescapable box with no doors or windows. You only have a container of blue cheese and tanks of air that can only last you 48 hours in the box.

***Demension 10
*Ahem* im sorry, i meant

"You man!"
"Yes, you!"
"Uhh, your smile kinda freaks me out..."
"You're on That Crazy TV Show!"
"You mean the one that no one watches...?"
"Can i go now?"
"No! We're here interviewing people on the street!!"
"uh, 'kay."
"Question 1: how would you feel if i gave you an all expenses paid trip to a...resort?"
"Well, I'd need spending money..."
"Oh, you won't need spending money..." *grins evily*
So the man flies off on his tour to what he thinks is Deeten (D10; or otherwise referred to Demension 10). He is forced inside the box and is set into the sea. Hehe, it's funny. The funny part? He's claustrophobic.

Hour 1:
The man, or what i like to call The Man, is screaming that he is claustrophobic.
"I AM CLUASTROPHOBIC!!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!" He has yet to find that there are air tanks and blue cheese.

Hour 2:
The Man has just found the cheese. He cut up the container and is now trying to claw his way out using the shap point. What he doesn't know is that

Hour 3:
His breathing is becoming shallow; has yet to discover that he has 4 air tanks, or equivalent to 48 hours of air.

Hour 5:
Found the air tanks last hour. He is now chanting physics in his head to see if he can break the box. Heh, to bad for him.

Hour 8:
It's getting dark. Lol, too bad he doesn't know that. He thinks once he finishes the first air tank he can try to cut the walls with the sharp point.

Hour 10:
Having a wonderful meal of 1/3 container of spoiled cheese, it is now 11pm and he is yet deciding where to sleep

Hour 13:
reciting the alphabet at a fast pace. Turns out he was the world champion alphabetizer.

Hour 20:
It is now 8am. Having a very cheeselicious meal of blue cheese now 49 days past the expiration date. We give you an audio segment of his dillusion.
"Lalala, why hello Carl. why hello Bob. It seems as though we are trapped in here." it appears he is playing with his socks.

After 48 hours, he vanishes to Demension 1, and has to work his way up back to our demension.
Our demension is number 999.

heh, no, its actually one.

Thank you for tuning in

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