Friday, June 20, 2008

2 All New jeorge Stories!

All new, all fresh, and is absolutely and completely free! You'll get a Jeorge Story for only $19.95 +shipping and handeling! But Wait! There's more! Keep reading and I'll also give you another Jeorge Story FREE of charge! This is a $40 value, and its yours for only $19.95!!! But wait! we're not done yet! Call the number that will soon be on the screen before you for a BONUS! folable tredmill! Tired of being fat? Want to be fit while reading your NEW Jeorge Stories? Get a FREE foldable tredmill with this exclusive offer!

The number? Oh, sorry, the number is not in service at this time.
Time estimated waiting: 489 hours
But hurry! This EXCLUSIVE offer ends in: 2 weeks

Alright. Back to business. My, my, arent you little monsters lucky? TWO Jeorge Stories! No, that ws no joke (except for the price. What a ripp off!) you get TWO Jeorge Sotries. Not ONE, but TWO! TWO! TWO! Alright. So, the first one is Nursery Rhymes. BOrrRrRRrInnNgggGgGggG...
You would think. But i added a little twist to it.
A Jeorge Story twist XD
And with that said, I present to you...

Hello, and Welcome to...Jeorge Sotry Mix Ups!!!!!
*crowd cheering in the backround*
Today on the Jeorge Sotries, I will be remaking some of America's timeless pieces! As i was reading an IM that i saved from Haleigh (antelope girl...See other posts) i thought of this. So yeah.

Little Miss Muffet
Well, it's self-exclamitory, really: Little Miss Muffet was sitting on her tuffet, eating her "Curds and way" (?!) and then this spider comes along and he sits right beside her and "frightened Miss Muffet away!"

My Version:The Egg Mc. Muffin Who Was Not Particuarily Little But Was a Bit Short for His Age

The Egg Mc. Muffin sat at a bar stool, happily munching on little childeren when along comes the Federal Government and the IRS. Well, Egg Mc. Muffin over here forgot to pay his taxes...for the past 4 months. So, he fled to Canada and took up the name Hamilton Smith. But I'm not supposed to tell you that.
Aw, crap.

Hey Diddle Diddle
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. The little dog Laughed to see such a sight and the dish ran away with the spoon. Also self exclamitory.

My Version:The Cat Named Diddle Who Had No Artistic Talent Whatsoever

There once was a cat named Diddle. Diddle was currently going to college at the University Thatdoezntexist. He took an art course but he really sucked at it. So the art teacher decided that he should play an instrament instead. Since Diddle wasn't tall enough to play the cello or the bass, he chose to play the fiddle. The night that he got his new fiddle, he decided to play it. He was by a farm. He was so bad that a cow got startled and jumped in suprise. Well, it just so happened that there was a tranpoline under that particular cow. So, the cow bounced off the tranpoline and well...he got to the moon, but he got stuck there. A dog happened to see the whole thing. He laughed; partially because the cat was so bad at playing, and partially because the cow was stuck on the moon and was currently floating. But he was supposed to be watching the silverware so they wouldn't get out of the pen. before he could control his spontanious laughter, the dish and the spoon ran out. They currently reside in Alabama.

Little Bo Peep
Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
And can't tell where to find them;
Leave them alone,
and they'll come home,
And bring their tails behind them.

Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep,
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
But when she awoke,
she found it a joke,
For they were still a-fleeting.

Then up she took her little crook,
Determined for to find them;
She found them indeed,
but it made her heart bleed,
For they'd left all their tails behind them.

My Version:Bo Peep and the Movies
Bo Peep's Daddy, Mr. Peep. told Bo that she needed to watch the lambs tonight. Well, Bo was also going to go to the movies. Hmmmm...watching movies or watching lambs, what would you choose? Bo Peep? She chose the movies. Nice move, Bo. The sheep got away!
She put up Missing posters...just in case someone saw them. She didn't tell her dad though, because...well, his father made swords for knights. It was best not to tell him she lost the sheep, now was it?
Bo drank too many Dr. Peppers at the movies, even thoguh it WAS a good bargain. Her sugar rush ended and she crashed. While she was crashing, she drempt that she heard those sheep come home, and they were calling her name. Bo...Bo....Bo......She suddenly awoke from her crash. "Where are the sheep?" her father asked.
"What was that?!"
"Take me to the pen, i want to see them."
Bo took her silver sickle just in case her dad was...unhappy. Thew shep were actually there! But...their tails were gone.
"Where are their tails?" her father demanded.
Time to think quick and cunning, thought Bo.
"I needed a snack for the movies."

Thank you one and all for reading this Jeorge Story. I personally liked Bo Peep and the Movies. I hope you enjoy them. Goodnight, all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm wow... of course i get all ur george sotrys in e-mail formation (which u havent done recently...) and i STILL found them hilarious. btw, i lost at pacman >.<