Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ugh...ANOTHER Convo?

Yes, you're probably all sick to DEATH because I keep posting \.:*CONVO*:./s. But it's the only thing i got right now =p i gotta get my act together and come up with some REAL Jeorge Stories, not just some cheap IMing crap.
But hey. You guys wanna have a real Jeorge Sotry????? Then give me something to write about. *Details at the end of the post.*
But hopefully that's what the poll will do. I'm gona come up with a brilliant Jeorge Story from your guyses favorite Jeorge Stories. But right now, it's all a tie. Why must you people all like different things? ;_;
*Sigh* it's ok though. I'll find something.
I'm just wishing it'll end so i can start my new poll.
Until then, here's a Jeorge Story \.:*CONVO*:./

Everything in orange is not part of the conversation, just me, merely translating and stuff

MonKeyLuvr (9:27:37 PM): u kno wen -insert name here- goes lawl?
TinkTink203 (9:27:42 PM): ya
MonKeyLuvr (9:27:50 PM): i didnt kno wut it meant so i made up laffing at windows loudly
TinkTink203 (9:27:56 PM): OMFG!
TinkTink203 (9:27:58 PM): so funny
MonKeyLuvr (9:28:02 PM): yupp
TinkTink203 (9:28:14 PM): laughing at walruses legs
MonKeyLuvr (9:28:18 PM): lol
MonKeyLuvr(9:28:22 PM): they dont have legs...
TinkTink203 (9:28:23 PM): loloas ~ laugh out loud on a stick
TinkTink203 (9:28:29 PM): thts the point (ding!*)
MonKeyLuvr(9:28:34 PM): ..........
MonKeyLuvr (9:28:37 PM): I GET IT
TinkTink203 (9:28:43 PM): eh?
MonKeyLuvr (9:28:44 PM): hahaha funny
TinkTink203 (9:28:54 PM): ...um...
MonKeyLuvr (9:28:55 PM): "laffs hysterically"
TinkTink203 (9:29:42 PM): "pretendstobelaughingbutreallyquestinosinheadthensuffocatesanddies andthenreincarnates"
TinkTink203 (9:30:01 PM): what a mouful!
TinkTink203 (9:30:13 PM): just like honeycomb! part of a complete breakfast
MonKeyLuvr (9:30:25 PM): "laffsatjokegeorgejustmadeandthengoesandspontaniouslycombustsintoashatcheapcharlies."
MonKeyLuvr (9:30:29 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (9:30:58 PM): wow
MonKeyLuvr (9:31:04 PM): o yes
TinkTink203 (9:31:12 PM): the first thing we gotta do is take cheep charlies DOWN ~ Cheap Charlies was something we made up in fifth grade. So yes, i DO know MonkeyLuvr in person. Anyway, Cheap Charlies is from the Suite Life of Zach and Cody, on Disney Channel (Eww). MonkeyLuvr spontaniously combusts when she walks in the door O_o
MonKeyLuvr (9:31:19 PM): o yes
TinkTink203 (9:31:23 PM): and i mean, like, DOWN down
MonKeyLuvr (9:31:24 PM): of course
TinkTink203 (9:31:35 PM): ahaha
TinkTink203 (9:31:43 PM): i was one sec earlier than u
MonKeyLuvr (9:31:43 PM): all i hafta do is walk in and it explodes
TinkTink203 (9:31:50 PM): w00t!
TinkTink203 (9:31:52 PM): i win again!
MonKeyLuvr (9:31:56 PM): woo
TinkTink203 (9:31:57 PM): a sports car ~ if you're wondering why i said that, it's because i won a sports car for being 1 sec earlier than MonkeyLuvr =p
TinkTink203 (9:32:01 PM): eyyyyyyy
TinkTink203 (9:32:04 PM): oas
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:05 PM): haha
TinkTink203 (9:32:07 PM): iac ~ in a cup
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:09 PM): i win
TinkTink203 (9:32:09 PM): iab ~ in a bowl
TinkTink203 (9:32:12 PM): iae
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:14 PM): iaw
TinkTink203 (9:32:17 PM): ?
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:20 PM): in a well
TinkTink203 (9:32:23 PM): oh
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:23 PM): iae?
TinkTink203 (9:32:30 PM): in an elephant XD
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:37 PM): iawltde
TinkTink203 (9:32:45 PM): ...eh...
MonKeyLuvr (9:32:49 PM): in a walruses legs tht dont exist
TinkTink203 (9:33:10 PM): ...oas
MonKeyLuvr (9:33:11 PM): of course
MonKeyLuvr (9:33:14 PM): iac
TinkTink203 (9:33:17 PM): CORN! ~ See the post, 2 All New Jeorge Stories! for details
MonKeyLuvr (9:33:23 PM): ................
MonKeyLuvr (9:33:27 PM): a peanuts
TinkTink203 (9:34:01 PM): im sorry 4 my foul language. i suppose i should watch my tongue wen saying a naughty word like corn...aw, crap.
MonKeyLuvr (9:34:17 PM): tht darn jeorge
TinkTink203 (9:34:25 PM): buh dum, ching!
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:01 PM): "laffter from studio audience tht just magically appeared w/ donuts and happy meals from McDonalds and their new phones from Cingular, raising the bar"
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:21 PM): loliac
TinkTink203 (9:35:25 PM): Wtfoaw?
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:34 PM): on a walrus?
TinkTink203 (9:35:35 PM): wtf on a walrus...
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:38 PM): ha
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:39 PM): i win
TinkTink203 (9:35:39 PM): LOLOAS!
TinkTink203 (9:35:42 PM): u get it!
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:45 PM): yup
MonKeyLuvr (9:35:55 PM): all this talk about walruses is making me
MonKeyLuvr (9:36:18 PM): pizza is dead sed kaitlin as she waddled out of the internet ~ from a story I made. i may show it to you guys later on in some point in time
TinkTink203 (9:36:20 PM): alright jerry (her nickname), u have two options: go with the cash prize, the car, OR....
TinkTink203 (9:36:26 PM): THE MYSTERY DOOR!
TinkTink203 (9:36:34 PM): *audience appluase*
MonKeyLuvr (9:36:38 PM): umm.... uh... "looks nervously back and forth"
MonKeyLuvr (9:36:46 PM): "audience: TAKE THE DOOR"
TinkTink203 (9:36:48 PM) one nerdy guy: "The cash!"
MonKeyLuvr (9:36:51 PM): ill go with...
MonKeyLuvr (9:36:54 PM): THE MYSTERY DOOR
MonKeyLuvr (9:37:01 PM): "audience cheers"
TinkTink203 (9:37:02 PM): OH!
TinkTink203 (9:37:20 PM): alright then, sally, whats behind the "MYSTERY DOOR?"
MonKeyLuvr (9:37:32 PM): well george, todays prize is...
TinkTink203 (9:37:42 PM): dun dunnnnnn....
MonKeyLuvr (9:37:47 PM): "gasp"
TinkTink203 (9:37:54 PM): A HOUSE!
TinkTink203 (9:38:00 PM): but....
MonKeyLuvr (9:38:00 PM): NO WAAAAY!!!!!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:38:03 PM): "cheers"
TinkTink203 (9:38:06 PM): not JUST a house...
MonKeyLuvr (9:38:09 PM): oooo
TinkTink203 (9:38:49 PM): its a cardboard box! Congradulations! *sally* this carboard box house is RIGHT in the back of wallmart! you can just smell that old ham in the dumpster!
MonKeyLuvr (9:38:56 PM): .....
MonKeyLuvr (9:38:58 PM): omg....
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:02 PM): I LUCKED OUT BIG TIME
TinkTink203 (9:39:07 PM): WOOOOOOOOO!
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:14 PM): "crowd cheers"
TinkTink203 (9:39:15 PM): AND!
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:20 PM): and...?
TinkTink203 (9:39:22 PM): NO AIR CONDITIONING!!!! WOOOO!
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:27 PM): AWESOME
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:33 PM): perfect 4 those hot sweaty nights
TinkTink203 (9:39:43 PM): of course!
MonKeyLuvr (9:39:50 PM): wut about cable?
TinkTink203 (9:39:57 PM): bum bummmm....
TinkTink203 (9:40:09 PM): you get....1.5 channels!
TinkTink203 (9:40:17 PM): thats more than the average bear!
MonKeyLuvr (9:40:17 PM): YA- .5?
MonKeyLuvr (9:40:24 PM): i get a whole .5?
TinkTink203 (9:40:28 PM): ik,
MonKeyLuvr (9:40:32 PM): thts more then at my moms house!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:40:50 PM): i just wanna thank..... ME
TinkTink203 (9:41:15 PM): wooo!
MonKeyLuvr (9:41:29 PM): duz it have room 4 pets?
MonKeyLuvr (9:41:37 PM): like my pet cougar benjamen?
TinkTink203 (9:41:54 PM): well, we know how much you luv animals, so we put a pen out in bak!
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:01 PM): AWESOME
TinkTink203 (9:42:11 PM): and dont worry
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:16 PM): benjie and i will luv it there
TinkTink203 (9:42:28 PM): he can drink from the puddles AND root throo the dumpster!
TinkTink203 (9:42:39 PM): what glamour!
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:39 PM): this is 2 awesome 4 words
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:47 PM): i MUST b dreaming!!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:52 PM): "wakes up from slumber"
MonKeyLuvr (9:42:57 PM): AH CORN
TinkTink203 (9:43:00 PM): hey, whats up?
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:14 PM): ....i just won a box 4 me and my pet cougar benjie...
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:17 PM): IT WAS ALL A LIE
TinkTink203 (9:43:22 PM): ...*gasp*
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:22 PM): "whimpers"
TinkTink203 (9:43:35 PM): its ok
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:41 PM): it even had 1.5 channels george
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:42 PM): NOT OK
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:47 PM): and NOOO AC
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:54 PM): how can i live w/o tht???
TinkTink203 (9:43:54 PM): 1.5?!??!?!! THATS NO LAFFING MATTER!
MonKeyLuvr (9:43:57 PM): I KNOOO
TinkTink203 (9:44:10 PM): WE'RE GONNA SUE THEIR A***S OFF!
TinkTink203 (9:44:16 PM): HOO R THEY?
MonKeyLuvr (9:44:20 PM): IDK
TinkTink203 (9:44:24 PM): ...oh.
MonKeyLuvr (9:44:28 PM): IT WAS A JUST A DREAM...
MonKeyLuvr (9:44:31 PM): sue my dream!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:44:33 PM): ya thts it
TinkTink203 (9:44:42 PM): OF COURSE
MonKeyLuvr (9:44:47 PM): it only has a baked potatoe 4 a lawyer
MonKeyLuvr (9:45:23 PM): TOTALLY TUBULAR!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:45:25 PM): o sorry...
MonKeyLuvr (9:45:26 PM): um...
TinkTink203 (9:45:31 PM): oas?
MonKeyLuvr (9:45:34 PM): lets go sure their a**s off!!!!
TinkTink203 (9:45:44 PM): hold on
MonKeyLuvr (9:45:55 PM): i cant
TinkTink203 (9:46:01 PM): i gotta finish making my Chef Boyardee: Bee Ravioli ~ it was supposed to be Beef Ravioli -_-
MonKeyLuvr (9:46:09 PM): bee ravioli?
TinkTink203 (9:46:10 PM): u kno how miportant tht is
MonKeyLuvr (9:46:15 PM): i luv bee ravioli
MonKeyLuvr (9:46:21 PM): its so crunchy
TinkTink203 (9:46:23 PM): o ya
MonKeyLuvr (9:46:27 PM): u can taste the sting
TinkTink203 (9:46:54 PM): this is a momentous occasoin in my life
MonKeyLuvr (9:47:01 PM): save it
TinkTink203 (9:47:12 PM): U BET I WILL!
MonKeyLuvr (9:47:17 PM): U BET U WILL
TinkTink203 (9:47:19 PM): ill copy n paste in a document
MonKeyLuvr (9:47:20 PM): wait...
TinkTink203 (9:47:25 PM): congratulations...
TinkTink203 (9:47:38 PM): we mde a convorsation good enuff 4 a document
MonKeyLuvr (9:47:49 PM): i BETTER not b dreaming
TinkTink203 (9:47:55 PM): now, you have three options...
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:00 PM): ok... im ready
TinkTink203 (9:48:00 PM): the money, the car, or the....
TinkTink203 (9:48:03 PM): MYSTER DOOR
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:08 PM): o god!!!!!!
TinkTink203 (9:48:22 PM): ...wuzzuh?
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:22 PM): i guess i'll go w/......
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:26 PM): THE MYSTERY DOOR
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:28 PM): woooo
TinkTink203 (9:48:31 PM): WOOOO!
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:37 PM): sally?
TinkTink203 (9:48:44 PM): Alright, sally, the unvailing of the door, puh-LEASE!
MonKeyLuvr (9:48:53 PM): plz.. plz... plzzzzz.....
TinkTink203 (9:48:57 PM): its...
TinkTink203 (9:49:03 PM): a cardboard box!
MonKeyLuvr (9:49:10 PM): YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:49:18 PM): wait, duz it come w/ AC?
TinkTink203 (9:49:33 PM): Congradulations! *sally* this carboard box house is RIGHT in the back of wallmart! you can just smell that old ham in the dumpster!
TinkTink203 (9:49:38 PM): NO!
TinkTink203 (9:49:40 PM): WOOOOO!
MonKeyLuvr (9:49:41 PM): AWESOME
TinkTink203 (9:49:47 PM): and a pen!
MonKeyLuvr (9:49:47 PM): I CANT BELIEVE IT~!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:49:49 PM): cable?
TinkTink203 (9:50:03 PM): no! only 1.5 channles!
MonKeyLuvr (9:50:17 PM): ITS A DREAM COME TRUE!!! literally
TinkTink203 (9:50:23 PM): but, call the number on ur screen and we'll throw in a NOTHER .2 channels!
TinkTink203 (9:50:38 PM): 1-800-HOTHOGS
MonKeyLuvr (9:50:41 PM): wait, im here on the game show... theres no # on my screen!!!!!!!!!!!!
TinkTink203 (9:50:49 PM): o is there?
MonKeyLuvr (9:50:51 PM): omg it fits...
TinkTink203 (9:51:00 PM): ya becuz its a number
MonKeyLuvr (9:51:07 PM): whos?
TinkTink203 (9:51:18 PM): ...idk
TinkTink203 (9:51:25 PM): lol
TinkTink203 (9:51:34 PM): WAIT!
TinkTink203 (9:51:42 PM): the man just phoned in...
MonKeyLuvr (9:51:46 PM): 1-800-468-4647
TinkTink203 (9:51:52 PM): if you pick deal...
TinkTink203 (9:52:02 PM): you'll get a whole bunch of unpaid bills!
TinkTink203 (9:52:13 PM): *crowed cheers* deal! deal!
MonKeyLuvr (9:52:23 PM): umm... deal, or no deal....
TinkTink203 (9:52:24 PM): wats the number u put on my screen?
MonKeyLuvr (9:52:36 PM): idk
MonKeyLuvr (9:52:44 PM): 468-4647
TinkTink203 (9:52:44 PM): o nvm
TinkTink203 (9:52:50 PM): it spells hothogs
MonKeyLuvr (9:52:51 PM): hothogs
MonKeyLuvr (9:52:53 PM): yup
TinkTink203 (9:52:58 PM): ANYwayz
MonKeyLuvr (9:53:06 PM): ill hafta go w/.........
MonKeyLuvr (9:53:07 PM): DEAL
TinkTink203 (9:53:13 PM): wOOOOO!
TinkTink203 (9:53:24 PM): lets check what ws in the case!
TinkTink203 (9:53:39 PM): *drum role please* sally, tell janelle what was in that case1
TinkTink203 (9:54:23 PM): U CULDA WON..... .000000000001 MORE CHANNELS!!!!!!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:54:34 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! how culd i pass up tht deal!???!
TinkTink203 (9:54:36 PM): ohhh, too bad
MonKeyLuvr (9:54:43 PM): im so sorry howie
TinkTink203 (9:54:49 PM): its ok, becuase u called the number on our screen!
MonKeyLuvr (9:54:56 PM): YESSSS
MonKeyLuvr (9:54:59 PM): now i get both
TinkTink203 (9:55:06 PM): u get 1.7 channels now!
MonKeyLuvr (9:55:19 PM): THTS .2 MORE THEN I HAD B4!!!!!!!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:55:25 PM): sweet
TinkTink203 (9:55:26 PM): YAAAAAAAAAY!
MonKeyLuvr (9:55:42 PM): well george, as much fun as this day has been, i hafta go wake up now
TinkTink203 (9:55:45 PM): jerry, u just won a lot of stuff, what r u gonna do now
MonKeyLuvr (9:55:48 PM): "poofs out of dream"
TinkTink203 (9:55:53 PM): hi
TinkTink203 (9:55:56 PM): whats up
MonKeyLuvr (9:55:57 PM): .......
TinkTink203 (9:56:08 PM): um...
MonKeyLuvr (9:56:12 PM): Y DUZ THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN 2 ME!??!???!??!?!??
TinkTink203 (9:56:18 PM): duh...
MonKeyLuvr (9:56:20 PM): ah, corn
TinkTink203 (9:56:23 PM): wuzzuh?
MonKeyLuvr (9:56:30 PM): u kno wut? 4get it!!!
MonKeyLuvr (9:56:34 PM): im going 2 bed!
MonKeyLuvr (9:56:41 PM): gn, cya tomorro!!!!!!!
TinkTink203 (9:56:45 PM): ok
TinkTink203 (9:56:53 PM): P.S. if u have the dream...
TinkTink203 (9:57:01 PM): PICK THE MYSTERY DOOR
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:06 PM): .....
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:12 PM): idk if i can do tht....
TinkTink203 (9:57:13 PM): or the car
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:20 PM): ill pick the door goegre ~ i dont know if she was tryin to say george ro gregory...
TinkTink203 (9:57:21 PM): u can live in the car
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:24 PM): george* ~ oh, haha. Nevermind >.<
TinkTink203 (9:57:27 PM): mmkay
TinkTink203 (9:57:29 PM): sally...
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:30 PM): well, wish me luck
TinkTink203 (9:57:40 PM): sally wishes u luck 2
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:45 PM): ty sally
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:51 PM): I LUV U ALL GOOD NIGHT!!
TinkTink203 (9:57:54 PM): good night, sleep tight, buit not 2 tight or ull suffocate
MonKeyLuvr (9:57:58 PM): .......
MonKeyLuvr (9:58:03 PM): thnx 4 the tip
TinkTink203 (9:58:08 PM): =D
MonKeyLuvr (9:58:09 PM): ttyast ~ just in case ~ ttyast= talk to you at school tomorrow
TinkTink203 (9:58:14 PM): mmkay
TinkTink203 (9:58:20 PM): see u iaw
MonKeyLuvr (9:58:27 PM): u betcha
TinkTink203 (9:58:33 PM): =D BYE!
MonKeyLuvr signed off at 9:58:37 PM.
MonKeyLuvr is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Can you believe that was ALL unplanned?
Anyway, if you have a good idea for a Jeorge story, you can run it by my in the CBox, located right to your right ^_^
O_o Bye!

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